Buzz Aldrin

Buzz Aldrin


United States


Buzz Aldrin's father, a colony in the American Air Force, was the one who sparked his interest in airplanes. Aldrin became a pilot and a pilot in the Korean War. In 1963, he was selected by NASA for the next Gemini position. In 1969, Aldrin, along with Neil Armstrong, made history when they traveled to the moon as part of the Apollo 11 mission. Aldrin later worked to develop space-enhancing technology and became a writer, writing numerous sci-fi novels, children's books and books including Return to Earth (1973), Magnificent Deservation (2009) and No Dream Is Too High: Health Studies From Someone Who Goes The Month (2016).

QUOTES BY Buzz Aldrin

"I have no intention of selling any more of the historical Apollo 11 items in my possession for the remainder of my life. I intend to pass a portion of these items on to my children and to loan the most important items for permanent display in suitable museums around the country."

"Mars is there, waiting to be reached."

"Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon. I am the first man to piss his pants on the moon."

"I believe that every human has a finite number of heart-beats. I don't intend to waste any of mine running around doing exercises."

"Monumental achievements by humanity should be done by major organizations as much together as possible."

"To send humans back to the moon would not be advancing. It would be more than 50 years after the first moon landing when we got there, and we'd probably be welcomed by the Chinese. But we should return to the moon without astronauts and build, with robots, an international lunar base, so that we know how to build a base on Mars robotically."

"I came to dedicate my life to opening space to the average person and crafting designs for new spaceships that could take us far from home. But since Apollo ended, such travels were only in our collective memory."

"Everyone should take their hats off to Neil Armstrong. He is a humble guy who doesn't wave his own flag."

"Exploring and colonizing Mars can bring us new scientific understanding of climate change, of how planet-wide processes can make a warm and wet world into a barren landscape. By exploring and understanding Mars, we may gain key insights into the past and future of our own world."