Chris Pratt

Chris Pratt


United States


QUOTES BY Chris Pratt

"I'm still fighting really hard to get any role I get. If it's comedy, I go for the laughs. And if it's drama, I try to tell the truth, and try to play the real stakes of whatever scenario the character's in."

"With moviemaking, you can be halfway around the world for six months. So there are amazing benefits to doing TV, and with the platform change and the way it is, I would never ever rule out doing TV again."

"I surprised myself with my ability to run. It's kind of like tippy toe running. I would not be able to outrun Indominus Rex, but with enough practice I might be able to make it 40 or 50 feet before I was killed."

"Film is cool because it's an hour and a half to two hours. It's a great ride. It's typically three acts - beginning, middle and end. It's going on an adventure and by the end it's all cleaned up."

"I have a lot of plants and fish and a pet lizard and Venus flytraps. I have a whole ecosystem in my room, like a running waterfall and different lights and sensors set on digital timers."

"I'm happy to try any genre, from drama to comedy and anything in between. Although, to be fair, for most of my career, I've been at the mercy of what people are willing to put me in."

"What's so great about TV is that you can get an opportunity to tell really rich stories, over the course of so many hours. It's like a novel of this type of medium."

"Being in good physical shape is the best way to combat depression. You just have endorphins running around your body. It is the best anti-depressive that there is."

"I love 'Capote.' Huge fan of Philip Seymour Hoffman; if he's not my all-time favorite actor he's definitely in my top five. I just love him so much."