Dakota Fanning

Dakota Fanning


United States


QUOTES BY Dakota Fanning

"I would love to direct one day. I value the relationship that I have with a director so much, and I would be really excited to be on the other end of that relationship."

"As much as movies are about the words that you're saying, they're also about what's not said, the silent moments."

"I definitely think independent film is very exciting, and you get to sometimes take bigger risks. So that's always a challenge and something that I look forward to."

"I'm kind of a self-aware and confident person."

"Each role that I've played has had a piece of a dream role in it."

"I think I am the same kind of person I would have been if I wasn't an actor. I am not a robot."

"There is a lot of negativity that you welcome into your life when you're an actor. You bare your soul for anyone to see."

"I think what has helped me is that I've never thought of myself as a child star. If you think of yourself like that, you might have problems!"

"If you don't love what you are doing, it could be misery."