Dean Smith

Dean Smith


United States


Dean Edward Smith was the coach of the old American basketball team. He was famous for 36 years training students at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He retired as the most successful men's basketball coach with 879 wins, which was NCAA men's basketball record at the time. Smith earned his team two land titles and was appointed four-time National Coach of the Year in his coaching career with the Acc Coach of the Year eight times. He was regarded as an amazing mentor as his 96.6% players got their degrees and many of them, including Michael Jordan and James Worthy, became star players in the NBA. Some players such as Larry Brown and Roy Williams became different coaches at the level of meeting or professional players. Smith was also known for his strong commitment to racism - he was one of the white South African coaches to recruit African and American players in the 1960s. Through his efforts and ingenuity, he accepted the Medical Freedom of the President by President Obama. He was made the Basketball Hall of Fame and was named 'leaching coach'.

QUOTES BY Dean Smith

"Good people are happy when something good happens to someone else."

"If you treat every situation as a life and death matter, you'll die a lot of times."

"Basketball is a team game. But that doesn't mean all five players should have the same amount of shots."

"I'd never get elected if people in North Carolina realized how liberal I am."

"There is a point in every contest when sitting on the sidelines is not an option."

"I always mean what I say, but I don't always say what I'm thinking."

"I think the real free person in society is one that's disciplined. It's the one that can choose; that is the free one."

"Given the fact that we are in a capitalist society, we still do not want to overlook not only what a corporation produces and its profitability but also how it impacts the environment, touches human life and whether it protects or undermines the dignity of the human person."

"I do believe in praising that which deserves to be praised."