Diana Ross

Diana Ross


United States


Diana Ross began singing with friends at a young age, eventually forming a group of Supremes in the 1960s, continuing to feature songs such as "Come and See Me" and "You Can't Hurry Up Love." Ross left the solitary profession in 1969, eventually coming to No. 1 with hits such as "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" and "Love Hangover." She starred in the films Mahogany and Lady Sings the Blues, earning Oscar nominations. Despite the concerns and difficulties, Ross endured a period of testing as a professional athlete who continued for more than forty years.

QUOTES BY Diana Ross

"I can be a better me than anyone can."

"You can't just sit there and wait for people to give you that golden dream. You've got to get out there and make it happen for yourself."

"Don't call the doctor, don't call ya mamma, don't call the preacher; no, I don't need it."

"It takes a long time to get to be a diva. I mean, you gotta work at it."

"I even thought of adopting a child as a single mother."

"I'd traveled a lot, was going temporarily insane and became very successful, but there was no one to take that all home to."

"My children come first and the career comes in around that."

"If I'm with a man I'm soft and buttery."

"I have never gotten into the label thing."