Dustin Hoffman

Dustin Hoffman


United States


Dustin Lee Hoffman is an American actor. He has worked in various fields of theater, film and television. Hoffman struggled for the better part of his life by working on a low-budget Off-Broadways in New York; he once admitted to living under the American poverty line until he was 31 years old. His mood changed when he was caught playing the role of a young man and confusing a young man in the film 'The Graduate.' The movie introduced Hoffman to the American film industry; before the ‘Graduate’ took place, he had a hard time finding great roles. After the film's release, he was praised for his acting skills. He became the talk of the town and later starred alongside well-appointed actors like Robert De Niro, Meryl Streep, Gene Hackman, etc. Some other popular movies from Hoffman's work are 'Kramer vs Kramer' and 'Rain Man'; has won 'Best Awards' for both movies. In addition to appearing on the silver screen, he has also presented many theatrical productions. He has also worked in television movies until he competed for his vocal skills in 'Eng Fu Panda. '

QUOTES BY Dustin Hoffman

"So, they had this 40-odd year friendship with each other and with Mr Harwood. So, when I came on it Albert, Tom and Maggie were in the cast. But then Albert wasn't up for it, so he had to withdraw."

"Well, 45-odd years of doing it, so we all pile up the things we like about directors and the things we don't like about directors. And sometimes they're very similar."

"It's very painful for us to feel we deserve a life. That's the toughest thing. That we deserve to have a life. That can take a lifetime."

"Now, I'm simply working with people I want to work with. I just want to have good working experiences and let the dice fall where they may."

"The truth is, I've made about 30 movies in 30 years, and I've been criticized for 30 years for not making more movies."

"I'm sixty-eight, I cry every chance I can."

"I'd like to thank my parents for not practicing birth control."

"I like to mimic my grandkids. I'm trying to understand the intensity of fixation on a leaf. Kids don't need anything else in their life."

"Euthanasia is legal in Hollywood. They just kill the film if it doesn't succeed immediately."