Frank Abagnale

Frank Abagnale


United States


The son of the owner of the printing press business, Frank Abagnale, entered the crime world at a young age with a credit card and testing programs. He later imitated other white professionals working in the white space, made an overseas career, and was arrested at the age of 21 by French police. Abagnale was eventually hired by the FBI as a consultant and started his own company, educating companies, financial institutions and government agencies on how to detect and catch fraud. Part of his life was the title of the famous 2002 film Catch Me If You Can.

QUOTES BY Frank Abagnale

"I went from 198 pounds to 109 while I was in prison in France, and I had to tie my clothes on with rope."

"A lot of times, when I met somebody and took them out on a date, I obviously didn't tell them my background, because I didn't think I'd see them but once or twice."

"Had I been older, I would've never been able to pull it off because I would've analyzed it to death. When I was 16, there was no such thing as 'what if.'"

"A lot of people say I was brilliant. I wasn't. I was an opportunist: a young entrepreneur who saw things and took advantage."

"When I was 28 years old, I thought it would be great to have a movie about my life. I was egotistical and self-centered."

"I always knew I'd get caught sooner or later. And I knew I would end up going to prison."

"I know that people are fascinated by what I did as a teenager, but what I did was immoral, illegal, unethical, and something that I am not proud of - nor will I ever be proud of."

"I make my home in Tulsa."

"Unlike most divorces, where the children were usually the first to know, my parents were very good about keeping that a secret."