Randy Smith

Randy Smith



Basketball Player

Sheriff Randy Smith is a 32-year-old police officer. A native of Slidell and now living in St Tammany Parish, Randy is committed to serving the community and making legal progress all his life. Before he became Sheriff of St. Tammany Parish in 2016, was the Chief of Police Slidell from May 2010 to June 2016. In his first election he was elected Slidell Police Chief by 60% of the vote. He was reinstated as Slidell Police Chief in 2014. In November 2015, King Sheriff of St. Tammany Parish defeats Jack Strain who worked for 20 years. Sheriff Smith is proud to have served as the 42nd Sheriff in the 207-year history of St. Tammany Parish.

QUOTES BY Randy Smith

"Their height and they way they shot ... they're just a good team. Their press hurt us and I didn't think it would, and we panicked a bit. Those things happen. That wasn't our best game, but I don't know if our best would have beaten that team."

"For everything we went through, I'm so incredibly proud of these seven girls. Regardless of the outcome of this season, just their effort is something to admire."

"Over the past three years we have seen herd growth in these units. Because of this reason, we are able to offer more opportunity to hunters."

"The industry has finally turned around. There have been 32 consecutive months of demand growth."

"I thought we did a good job defensively on their athletic kids."

"I had reports the past two fall seasons of 200 elk down on the Camas Prairie (south of Soldier Mountain near Fairfield). I don't know where they came from."

"I think it's a great opportunity to be able to talk to him, but more important than that, I think it tells me that he's listening and that's really important to me."

"It's like the difference between running through a shower or standing in it for a while. I prefer to run through this one."

"That's where our strength is, in the middle of the lineup. We only lost one district (singles) match in the regular season."