Marvin Lewis

Marvin Lewis


United States

Football Coach

When named as head coach of the Cincinnati Bengals on January 14, 2003, Marvin Lewis became the seventh African American to hold the position of head coach in today's National Soccer League (NFL). The promise made by his well-known assistant coach was fulfilled when he turned around the reinstatement of a team that was a junior resident in league competitions. Part of Lewis’s success as a coach rested on his excellent motivational qualities; he was a living example of the power of hard work, and his life was a success story for the whole of America. Marvin Lewis was born in McDonald's, Pennsylvania, in the metropolitan area outside Pittsburgh, on September 23, 1958. Lewis recalled that his father, who worked at a sawmill and often spent his days burning sidinghammer in iron ore, would return home and rest on his strong elbows on pillows. Lewis's mother was a registered nurse and later a nurse. His family instilled in him a strong work ethic. One uncle became a photographer for the Pulitzer Prize. As a high school student, Lewis worked in the summer in a garbage truck and spent most of his time in church as the first Sunday school superintendent in the history of the First Baptist Church.

QUOTES BY Marvin Lewis

"We need to understand that it's about working through the tough times. You work through the critical points in the game and keep your eye on the target. Do your job. This is a lesson that we needed to learn."

"We're obviously doing without some of our leaders."

"He's one of our guys who we expect to play better. He's one of our leaders and best players. So we're counting on Levi, just like we're counting on (right tackle) Willie (Anderson) on the other side. They're part of the reason why we believe we're a good offensive football team."

"Those people aren't good for you. They're not people who are on your side when the times are tough. That's the way it works."

"He is just so, so fast, and has a great competitive spirit about him when he gets an opportunity to get in the football game."

"We had an opportunity to make some things happen that we didn't get done early in the game. Some things that you can't do in a football game. Eventually, the game gets away from you."

"We do want to get things settled and get an opportunity to get the guy signed. I think it's important for us, for where our program is, our team, our city, that we don't have any problems with that and it's as smooth as we can make it."

"Kevin has done a fine job here and he deserves the opportunity he's going to get to be a starting player in Houston. But we feel it's in the best interest of our team to allocate the funds to another position."

"We didn't play very well on offense, defense and special teams. We didn't tackle, we didn't block, we didn't cover, we didn't punt. The fortunate thing is it doesn't count."