Lee Scott

Lee Scott




Scott was CEO of Walmart for nine years. During his final year as CEO, he was awarded a compensation package worth more than $ 30 million. After retiring as CEO, Scott continued to work for Walmart for another two years as chief executive. For each of these two years, the company paid him an annual salary of $ 1.1 million.


"Although we did not attain our goal of increasing earnings at the same rate of sales, our 8.9 percent growth in earnings per share in the fourth quarter represents more than triple the growth rate experienced in the first six months of the year,"

"We are confident our earnings momentum will continue and look forward to reporting another record year in sales and earnings,"

"Jeanne is an outstanding retail and management talent who has developed successful brands and programs in both traditional and online retail channels,"

"It was a solid performance, but we can do better,"

"In a challenging retail environment, I am pleased to report our first year with net earnings in excess of $6 billion and our first-ever quarter with earnings over $2 billion,"

"Our goal for the second half of the year remains double-digit earnings growth,. However, given the current economic environment this will be difficult to achieve, ... We expect earnings growth in the second half will show improvement over the first half of this year as we leverage our sales and market share gains, but the growth may not meet our original goals."

"The potential right now for success at that school is very, very high. Of the 30 kids in my class, about 10 are Hispanic. It's very difficult for me to look at those kids that I'm teaching now and know that statistically there's a good chance some of them will drop out of school."

"The consumer still seems to us to be very cautious and probably will remain so until we see improvement in employment,"

"We're pleased our trend of year-over-year increases in sales and net income continues. We added more than seven billion dollars in sales in the quarter and ended the year strong."