Bud Selig

Bud Selig



Commissioner of Baseball

As Major League baseball (MLB) chief commissioner for more than a decade (the first six as acting commissioner), Bud Selig has gained few friends. In fact, he seems to have an incomparable ability to do things that will appeal to a large number of people around the game. Even when Selig obtained a final compromise agreement between the players and the owners to end the season-long strike in late 2002, he was furious over his absence from negotiations until 11 p.m. This only adds to Selig's most recent list of grievances, including his improved decision to abolish the 2002 All All Star.


"We deeded something away. I'm very concerned, but I think we're making progress. We are really going to get into the inner cities."

"We've made some progress on a lot of issues. But progress in the end is when you have a deal."

"We must create an understanding everywhere that when we say we need to rid the game of steroids, we mean it,"

"Listening to the Donald Hooton story about how his son died because of steroids really, really got to me. And I remember that very lonely night, getting on a plane … the more I thought of that story, I cried. And I made up my mind that night that this sport wasn't going to rest until it had taken what I felt and what all of us felt was the appropriate action."

"offended practically every element of society."

"We have the toughest program now in American sports, ... and I'm proud of that."

"One of my priorities -- one of the game's priorities -- is the internationalization of baseball. We're doing everything we can to move the sport in an international direction. I think it's going to be absolutely spectacular."

"They bring enormous baseball experience to the table, ... Their hires and reorganization will allow us to prepare for and handle every situation that arises in the baseball operations area."

"Given the very unique circumstances of the situation, I believe their request is a reasonable one and would have no adverse effect on any other club. Therefore, I have determined that the game will not be played."