Mark Zandi

Mark Zandi




Drs. Mark Z Z, Ph.D., is the independent director of the company. Mark M. Zandi, since 2007, has been Chief Economist's Moody's Analytics, Inc., where he directs economic research. Moody's Analytics is a leading provider of economics, data and analytics tools. Sponsored by Moody's Corporation owned separately from Moody's Investors Service, which is a functioning evaluation agency of Moody's Corporation. Dr. Zandi is a loyal adviser to policymakers and is a powerful source of economic, business and community economic analysis, and often testifies before Congress on economic issues.

QUOTES BY Mark Zandi

"I think this is a harbinger of more problems to come, ... I think we should look for fresh new records [in delinquencies] in the fourth quarter and first quarter of next year as [credit card] payments rise higher and as energy prices really begin to bite."

"A bunch of problems that we have ahead of us are largely because of these tax cuts. They are very costly and will contribute significantly to budget deficits in the future."

"At best, people should prepare for no pay increase and no bonus, something they have been getting a lot of. At worst, they should be thinking they may need to change occupations."

"Labor will start demanding bigger pay increases and will get them."

"The job losses over the past three years have been across a wide range of industries and from coast to coast. And if you've lost your job, in all likelihood you will remain unemployed for longer than in any period since the Great Depression."

"And you know at these kind of prices, there's lots of money to be made. So I'm sure they're gonna work triple overtime to get their facilities up and running again."

"Housing has peaked. And all indications are that sales will weaken further in the months ahead."

"Going forward it will be harder for them to maintain their spending - and their living standards."

"Greenspan should weigh against asset markets in the good times -- just as he works to support them in the difficult times. He's been one-sided in his policies,"