Jack Kevorkian

Jack Kevorkian


United States


Born in Pontiac, Mickey, on May 26, 1928, Jack Kevorkian became a pediatrician who helped people with serious health problems to manage their lives. After years of conflict with the court system in his favor, he spent eight years in prison after being convicted in 1999. Kevorkian’s actions have sparked a national debate over ethical approaches to patient care and nursing care. He edied in Royal Oak, Michigan, June 3, 2011.

QUOTES BY Jack Kevorkian

"Dying is not a crime."

"When your conscience says law is immoral, don't follow it."

"My ultimate aim is to make euthanasia a positive experience."

"She made the decision that her existence had lost its meaning. And you cannot judge that."

"As a medical doctor, it is my duty to evaluate the situation with as much data as I can gather and as much expertise as I have and as much experience as I have to determine whether or not the wish of the patient is medically justified."

"Yes, we need euthanasia, for certain cases where people are in comas or too immobile to even press a button."

"Everyone is going to die."

"The patient's autonomy always, always should be respected, even if it is absolutely contrary - the decision is contrary to best medical advice and what the physician wants."

"My intent was to carry out my duty as a doctor, to end their suffering. Unfortunately, that entailed, in their cases, ending of the life."