Jason Bateman

Jason Bateman


United States


Actor Jason Bateman was born on January 14, 1969, in Rye, New York. He made his television debut in 1981 at Little House in Prairie. In the 1980s and 90s, he acquired many roles in satcoms such as Silver Spoons, while also filming a few parts of the film. After hard work, Batman's career was revived when he participated in the 2003 Arrested Development exhibition. Recent successes include the black comedy Horrible Bosses (2011) and the voice work of the former Zootopia (2016) songwriter, as well as his alleged directing and performing of Netflix drama drama Ozark.

QUOTES BY Jason Bateman

I just love doing sitcoms. I'd be in them till I was gray if they'd have me.

I'm not a 'celebrity'. I'm not a big huge star and so when people see me it's usually to talk about something I've done and that's a great conversation to have.

Directing a movie is the greatest job in the world. I could not be more envious of the guys who get to do it all the time.

I don't really find a problem with technology or television, or anything. I'm a product of it. I grew up watching TV, and I don't think I'm too dumb or too crazy.

I'm not a Hollywood party guy.

I don't have anything to fix! I don't smoke, I don't drink, and I don't eat carbs. My life is just great now. Normal. Vanilla.

My hobbies have varied over the years. There were a whole set of new ones before I got married. Now I spend as much time with my wife, who is my best friend.

I actually enjoyed changing diapers and I enjoyed swaddling. I don't mind being swaddled either, on occasion.

I can be on a telephone call, and be emailing or texting somebody else, as well. I would imagine everyone appreciates that efficiency of communication. I see it as a huge positive.