Javier Bardem

Javier Bardem




Javier Bardem is a Spanish actor. He is one of the best-known actors in world cinema, thanks to his exemplary body of work in the Spanish and English film industry. Javier Bardem comes from an influential family of film characters; His mother and grandparents were actors, and his uncle was a famous screenwriter in Spain. At first, Javier Bardem wanted to be an artist. However, he later changed his mind and decided to become an actor. When he started doing things, his life changed and he became one of the most famous actors even before he did his Hollywood career. 'Jamon Jamon' is one of his previous Spanish films that turned him into an overseas star. However, his inability to speak English prevented him from doing his first English language career. Bardem learned English and then began appearing in English-language films. After that, he became the first Spanish actor to receive the title 'Oscar' instead of 'Best Actor' for his starring in the American animated romantic film 'Before the Evening Night. is considered the most important work in his career.

QUOTES BY Javier Bardem

I'm a great believer in stunt doubles. They do an amazing job.

Many people out there don't have a choice in choosing their friends and the people they're being manipulated by. Thank God, I have that choice. I can use my judgment and choose.

I don't believe in stereotypes. Most of the time, stereotypes are just that.

The good thing about being an actor, and the gift of being an actor, is that you are beautifully forced to see the world with different eyes.

When you are portraying somebody that has a very specific emotional weight, you feel like you're really starting to abandon your own body and go to someplace else.

The background - your own history - is way more important than what you can achieve as a professional.

I can't imagine what it would be like being James Bond 24 hours. That must be exhausting.

When I was born, there was a very isolated idea of what it meant to be a man or a woman, and you belonged to one gender or the other.

I don't like to talk about my personal life.