Kate Beckinsale

Kate Beckinsale


United States


Kate Beckinsale, born in London, England, was exposed to films and worked at a very young age with both of her parents. A prominent student at Oxford University, Beckinsale eventually dropped out of university to focus on her acting career. Interviewing 'Ado Ado for nothing', she was last seen by critics and audiences for her performance on the BBC TV comedy 'Cold Comfort Farm'. After that, she appeared in several films and eventually moved to the USA on her big vacation in Hollywood. Known for her role in 'The Last Days of Disco', Beckinsale eventually earned a reputation for her successful commercial film 'Pearl Harbor', in which he starred next to Ben Affleck. The film paved the way for a much better career and there was no turning back. Recently, she became best known for her role in the 'Underworld' series directed by her husband. With many successful movies, Beckinsale has made a mark in Hollywood and critics have often praised him for her good work. Living now in Venice, California with her daughter, she has some fun projects for her kitty and still has a long way to go in the world of entertainment! Scroll through for more information on this character.

QUOTES BY Kate Beckinsale

If someone had told me years ago that sharing a sense of humour was so vital to partnerships, I could have avoided a lot of sex!

Yes, because it's Len's obsession with practical. I've never really had that experience that I hear people having of being on an empty soundstage painted green talking to a tennis ball on a stick.

It's a very difficult thing losing a parent, but I think there's an added complication for me, because he was so well-loved and he had this very open charm that made people feel they had a personal relationship with him.

I would quite like to play a big concert as Freddie Mercury. I cant sing that great and I havent yet found a use for the over large size of my teeth. I quite fancy a mustache like that and he was such a great showman.

I think what's dangerous about being an actor who does action movies is you think, 'Well, I can totally handle myself now.' But if my opponent didn't know the other half of the routine, I don't know how well I'd do.

Obviously I've had great experiences with people I've worked with on films - I've married half of them! I should come with a warning sign that says, 'Don't worry, I'm not going to try to marry you. I'm done.'

My life has not been predictable. I never would have imagined I'd be living where I'm living, doing what I'm doing or married to an American guy. I'm interested to see what will happen next!

Theres such a pressure on women that we put on ourselves and everyone else puts on us to look unrealistic and everything, but you just cant compare yourself to people in magazines.

I try and take lots of vitamins and I don't drink. I do smoke, though, I'd be insufferable if I didn't smoke, you'd have to push me off a balcony I'd be so boring.