Keira Knightley

Keira Knightley


United States


Actress Keira Knightley made her film debut at the age of nine in A Village Affair (1994). Her main role came in Star Wars: Episode 1 - Phantom Menace was best known for her role as tomboy footballer Juliette "Jules" Paxton in Bend It Like Beckham. Her background films include Restoration, Pirates of the Caribbean, Dangerous Way and Anna Karenina. She has also received Oscar nominations for her roles in Pride & Prejudice and Drama.

QUOTES BY Keira Knightley

And we're fortunate if we have parents who are great and loving and inspiring. But, unfortunately, there are people who don't have that.

It's not everyday you get to do a pirate movie, you might as well go for it.

I've got a lot of experience with anorexia - my grandmother and great-grandmother suffered from it, and I had a lot of friends at school who suffered from it. I know it's not something to be taken lightly and I don't.

Half of my mum's family is Welsh. I remember when I was a kid she used to read to me, and witches and wizards in books always had a Welsh accent, so I guess I took it from that really.

If I don't do this film. I'll be acting in corsets for the next 20 years.

I wish I was Sienna Miller. When I talk to her, I hope a bit of her party personality will rub off on me, but it never does.

It's all about perfection, isn't it?

I would be extremely stupid if I said that my looks had absolutely nothing to do with what I do, it [moviemaking] is a visual medium. I'm perfectly aware of that, the face and the body help. Of course they do.

In film as a medium, you're often given a baddie and a goodie and told what to think about them; it's usually a very definite point of view.