Vala Afshar

Vala Afshar


United Kingdom


Vala Afshar is a digital marketing broadcaster, writer and Twitter retailer. Provides weekly, business and leadership technology in a variety of publishing publications, as well as the hosting of the weekly Dis DisTT video show. With a background in engineering, Vala is regarded as a pioneer in social technology, business intelligence and customer relationship management (CRM).

QUOTES BY Vala Afshar

Talented employees stay because they are: 1. paid well 2. mentored 3. Challenged 4. Promoted 5. Involved in decisions 6. Appreciated.

Don’t cling to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it.

The biggest threat to innovation is internal politics and an organizational culture, which doesn’t accept failure and/or doesn’t accept ideas from outside, and/or cannot change.

The coolest people I know:1. Have great manners.2. learn people’s name.3. show up on time.4.lifelon students.5.listen with intrest.6.don’t respond to negativity.7.random acts of kindness.8.mentor.9.give without expecting a doors open.11.gracefully tell the truth.

“8 habits of lucky people: work hard, complain less, teach others, share credit, be on time, be kind, be teachable, and show gratitude.”

“You are not a team because you work together. You are a team because you trust, respect and care for each other.”

“As we get older, you realize that the real heroes in our lives are often the closest people in your life. Be present and appreciative.”

“They may ignore your achievements. They may ridicule your vision. They may speak poorly about you. They will win, if you lose confidence.”

What’s really important in this fast-moving business world that we live in is: How are you contributing to communities right now? Are you blogging? Are you sharing meaningful content? Are you part of consortiums? Are you speaking at events?