Kevin Spacey

Kevin Spacey


United States


Kevin Spacey was born July 26, 1959, in South Orange, New Jersey. The 1990s films Usual Suspects and Se7en grabbing Stepy to the international stage, found him heavily featured in features such as L.A. Confidential, American Beauty and Superman Returns. Spacey was also honored for her stage performance and performance on the Netflix show House of Cards, before her work was disrupted in late 2017 on allegations of sexual misconduct.

QUOTES BY Kevin Spacey

What's my favourite boWhat's my favourite book? It changes all the time.ok? It changes all the time.

I'm attracted to things that are challenging and fun and interesting, and it certainly seems that audiences enjoy them as well.

The less you know about me, the easier it is to convince you that I am that character on screen. It allows an audience to come into a movie theatre and believe I am that person".

It takes stamina to get up like an athlete every single night, seven to eight performances a week, 20 weeks in a row. And there are many young performers who only learn their craft in the two minute bits it takes to film a scene. You never learn the arc of storytelling, the arc of a character that way.

One of the tasks that any artistic director has is, you're trying to bring elements together that will work. The truth is that you could bring all the best talents in the world together and produce a big turkey.

If you're lucky enough to do well, it's your responsibility to send the elevator back down.

Living in London has become incredible. I suppose it's easy to love where you live if you love what you're doing. But this is not just a visit: it's my home.

People think that direct address was invented by Ferris Bueller, but in fact, it wasn't. It was invented by Shakespeare.

As an actor, you're always nervous as to what a director will do with something.