Larry David

Larry David


United Kingdom


Larry David was born July 2, 1947, in Brooklyn, New York. In 1982, he was hired as a writer for Saturday Night Live, where he worked for a year. In 1989, Jerry Seinfeld asked David to help him grow a sitcom. David wrote and produced Seinfeld until 1996. He also performed certain roles. In 1998, he wrote and directed the film Sour Grapes. The following year, he built the critically acclaimed series Curb Your Passion HBO.

QUOTES BY Larry David

You know who wears sunglasses inside? Blind people and assholes.

Anyone can be confident with a full head of hair. But a confident bald man - there's your diamond in the rough.

Well, I always think the worst things are going to happen here, because I'm - basically inside, I'm a bad person, and so the bad kind of takes over.

I was planning on my future as a homeless person. I had a really good spot picked out.

Once I know people know who I am, it gives me a lot of licence and freedom to behave in ways I wouldn't normally.

Switzerland is a place where they don't like to fight, so they get people to do their fighting for them while they ski and eat chocolate.

When I was living in New York and didn't have a penny to my name, I would walk around the streets and occasionally I would see an alcove or something. And I'd think, that'll be good, that'll be a good spot for me when I'm homeless.

I'm not interested in closure. Some people just have heart attacks and die, right? There's no closure.

If I wasn't a golfer, I would still be miserable - but not as miserable.