Enid Blyton

Enid Blyton


United Kingdom


QUOTES BY Enid Blyton

“Leave something for someone but dont leave someone for something.”

“If you can't look after something in your care, you have no right to keep it.”

“The best way to treat obstacles is to use them as stepping-stones. Laugh at them, tread on them, and let them lead you to something better.”

“You're trying to escape from your difficulties, and there never is any escape from difficulties, never. They have to be faced and fought.”

“The point is not that I don't recognise bad people when I see them — I grant you I may quite well be taken in by them — the point is that I know a good person when I see one.”

“It wasn't a bit of good fighting grown-ups. They could do exactly as they liked.”

“There's a rainbow around every corner is a well known saying and is supposed to make negative people positive.”

“It was such a lovely day too, and the sky and sea were so blue. They sat eating and drinking, gazing out to sea, watching the waves break into spray over the rocks beyond the old wreck.”

“Nothing like having a bucket of cold water flung over you to make you see things as they really are!”