Thomas Carlyle

Thomas Carlyle


United Kingdom


Thomas Carlyle was a famous philosopher, historian, mathematician, theatist and writer born in the late eighteenth century in Scotland. Growing up in a strict Calvinist family, he moved to Edinburg at the age of fifteen for his university education with the intention of joining a church. But he soon gave up the idea of ​​becoming a math teacher. Later he devoted it to the study of law, and finally found his true profession as a writer. At that time, he had to go through severe economic and financial hardship, with severe stomach pains that had stayed with him for the rest of his life. Starting her literary career with her contribution to various magazines, she wrote her first novel, 'Sartor Resartus' at the age of thirty, earning fame for her second major work, 'French Revolution: A History' at the age of forty-one. After that, he went on to write, usually leading bricks with his unpleasant views. He died at the age of eighty-five, desiring to be buried next to his parents in Scotland rather than to be admitted to Westminster Abbey.

QUOTES BY Thomas Carlyle

No pressure, no diamonds.

Every noble work is at first impossible.