Zoe Saldana

Zoe Saldana


United States


Although ballet was her first passion Zoe Saldana switched to acting because she wanted to use her voice as well. Moreover, in an interview to Vanity Fair, she admitted that she was too ambitious to confine herself in a ballet group. Always a free thinker, she has spoken freely in interviews, decrying too much censor in cinemas. She has also talked freely about her aspirations and beliefs. A proud Latino, she believes that “glamour is about feeling good in your own skin” and says she would do anything to keep her body beautiful without going against nature. Let us now look into some of her quotes, which give us an insight into not only her thoughts, but also her background.

QUOTES BY Zoe Saldana

The biggest obstacle I've had to overcome is being a woman in a man's world.

Trust me: Studios, investors, filmmakers, they will shift because they just follow the money trail.

You find a way to work with people you have more in common with.

Science fiction is a genre that no everyone is keen on watching.

Where people really base their principles has nothing to do with the color of someone's skin, it has to do with money and their class.

Fathers, sons, brothers, men everywhere: Your legacy will not perish if you take your partner's surname, or she keeps hers.

I do believe in us as actors and directors and writers and producers and also as movie-goers. We have much more power than we believe we have. Without our ticket, studios can't make traditional decisions.

I'm more of a guy's girl. I like having a beer in a bar, and I don't bicker or sit down and do my nails.

I'm so intrigued by women throughout history where the significance of what they were representing at that time is obscured by the fact a man saved them or they were prostitutes.