Walker Percy

Walker Percy




Walker Percy was one of the most distinguished writers of the twentieth century. In his early life, Percy was saw the deaths of his immediate relatives and lived the life of an orphan kid. Percy lated received a medical degree from the Columbia University in New York. His career as an author began when he was rested with tuberculosis and started reading Soren Kierkegaard and Fyodor Dostoevsky. Percy’s thoughts, books, quotes, writings and novels were closely associated to the real world and the places he lived. His first novel, 'The Moviegoer’ bagged the National Book Award for Fiction in U.S. ‘The Last Gentleman’, ‘Love in the Ruins’, ‘Lancelot’, ‘The Second Coming’ and ‘The Thanatos Syndrome’ have been few of his notable books. He gained recognition for both his fiction and non-fiction works. His thoughts, quotations, sayings, work and writings revolved around exploring, ‘the dislocation of the man in Modern Age’. We have put together a collection of quotes from his life!

QUOTES BY Walker Percy

You can get all A's and still flunk life.

Why did God make women so beautiful and man with such a loving heart?

Before, I wandered as a diversion. Now I wander seriously and sit and read as a diversion.

Lucky is the man who does not secretly believe that every possibility is open to him.

You live in a deranged age - more deranged than usual, because despite great scientific and technological advances, man has not the faintest idea of who he is or what he is doing.

My mother refused to let me fail. So I insisted.

Losing hope is not so bad. There's something worse: losing hope and hiding it from yourself.

I like to eat crawfish and drink beer. That's despair?

Small disconnected facts, if you take note of them, have a way of becoming connected.