The year 2000, I was the richest for three days. So I know up and down.

Alibaba is Alibaba. We are going to keep on, you know, having Alibaba as our core company in our family.

We have lots of ideas, lots of dreams.

God is so kind, he has given so much sunshine to India.

Money is available from investors as long as you have a great business model and a talented leader.

Best thing for a government to do is to eliminate obstacles like filing registrations, getting licences, and so on... tedious steps slow everything down.

When you negotiate a deal, you clearly know a lot about the other person.

Renewables is part of social responsibility, but the information revolution is the only main thing I am interested in.

Some kind of correction will always happen. But it depends on the specific companies.

I always take bold moves. So it can have great return but with great risk.

I said from the very beginning, 'Yahoo should position itself as a technology innovation company, not as a media company.'

It's actually sad to be rich.

If I go to the department store, I get no excitement: I can buy the entire department store instead of one bag. So I lost excitement of shopping.

I was richer than Bill Gates for 3 days.

India has the best opportunity ahead of us.

I am the man who keeps his words.

We believe the singularity is inevitable, and all businesses will be redefined as computers overtake humans in intelligence.

I don't care whether the technology is invented by our employees. I want to bring everybody's innovations into our ecosystem together.

Alibaba model is the model that I am supporting in China, in India, and even in Japan.

In Internet in general, there are security, privacy, and many other issues.

Japan had an energy crisis. I thought, instead of just worrying about it, I should take some kind of responsibility to provide the solutions.

To have real success and roots in a society, there has to be a local champion, and hence we believe in identifying a local entrepreneur.

InMobi is not just an India-focused company, but it is a global player.

I see a lot of opportunity in Internet-related start-ups, and second is the solar business.