Mankind had the agricultural revolution, the industrial revolution, and now this third one, the information revolution.

Traditional companies have to start looking into themselves to offer more opportunities in their companies by starting new subsidiaries and joint ventures.

I'm the king of debt.

SoftBank has had a lot of businesses, but they've always ranked, say, third in Japan or fourth in the U.S.

Wisdom and knowledge are the most valuable things in the body.

We only live once, so I want to think big.

My style is to have a big vision, a big commitment.

Every street light will be interconnected to the Internet because we can save when car is not passing. Automobile will all be connected, so driverless car much safer.

I am actually better at predicting or talking about 30 years later than three years.

Just believe in the future and direction of the capability that ARM has. Go deep and build a better future, both for the company and for its contribution to the industry. That's what I want ARM to do: invest more the future.

Whenever there is a big difficulty, I don't make excuses. Instead, I say I will solve it even if everybody leaves.

I believe the continually advancing Information Revolution will lend us the wisdom and strength to address humanity's previously unsolvable problems and help us make a positive impact on all of society.

Indian software engineers are the best in the world; even in Silicon Valley, the best software engineers are Indians.

I try to look in the future and think backwards. That is when I am at my most comfortable. Because then I am just like the movie, 'Back to the Future.'

My philosophy is that the digital revolution will make mankind happier and more productive, and that won't change over the next 300 years. If you don't stick to that original philosophy, even perfect control of a bunch of companies isn't going to do you any good.

It would take enormous expertise for Amazon to win in every category. Do you think McDonald's could be number one in hamburgers, seafood, and Chinese food?

To many of you, Sprint may seem like a burden for SoftBank. But in my view, Sprint is going to be one of SoftBank's primary cash cows.

In the early stages of Internet in Japan, many said that Japanese and Americans are different. There are 10 reasons why Japanese Internet is not taking off. I said none of them are right; it's just a time lag. And, of course, Japanese Internet took off.

There will come an age when our average life expectancy will reach 200 years.

When I was a kid, our family was not that rich.

Yahoo was Jerry Yang's baby. He did a great job creating the baby. Unfortunately, some of the key executives after the foundation of the company couldn't keep up with the technology innovation of the industry. They thought that Yahoo should become a media company.

My belief is that we should never become overconfident.

If they had listened to me and had equal partnerships in China, the U.K., Germany and Brazil, maybe Yahoo in those countries could have become positioned like Yahoo Japan.

Softbank 2.0 means globalisation of Softbank.