For me, creating a supply chain of what we should be eating is incredibly complicated. It's complicated to figure out how to change the food system in America.

My brother is about energy. SpaceX is his passion, and I love being a part of that company. Energy is where he spends a lot of his time and thinking in terms of having an impact on the world.

I was very afraid of failure because if you fail at something you love, then you ruin what you love.

I have always loved food, and for me, even if I was on a beach, I would be cooking food every day.

The problem is that restaurants have assumed that kids don't want to eat anything other than chicken nuggets or fast-food burgers, but they do. They want to eat things that taste good.

Newspapers have an extraordinary amount of local content, including real estate listings and restaurant reviews.

My mother was a consulting dietician, and my father was a consulting engineer.

My family were all entrepreneurs, including my parents and grandparents.

My goal is to go from the industrial food system toward a real food system where you understand what you are eating.

If you come to The Kitchen and get a pork chop with polenta, which is our kind of food - simple - there is only one way it should taste at The Kitchen.

We want kids in communities to know real food, and we want them to have a choice between real food and industrial food.

We want our communities to know what real food is.

The Kitchen's mission is to strengthen communities by bringing local, real food to everyone.

We have been growing more food than we need since the '60s... what we have is a terrible distribution problem.

I went to New York to train as a chef, and I had the good or bad fortune, depending on how you describe it, of being right there during 9/11. It was one of the best and the worst experiences.

Food is the new Internet.

Back in 1995, I saw an incredible wave coming. The Internet. I knew I needed to be a part of it no matter what I did.

A lot of people think about food as fuel, where you need to get nutrients in your body.

Young people, especially, are turning away from McDonald's towards healthy, locally-sourced options like Next Door and Sweetgreen.

Boulder was not the small town I had expected. It is a vivacious community of sophisticated people, who have the same aspirations and expectations you find in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco.

The industrial food system ships in high-calorie, low-nutrient, processed food from thousands of miles away. It leaves us disconnected from our food and the people who grow it.

People love to interact in real time, whether it is with each other or with content.

When you have the demand, you can change the government policies that create McDonald's and junk food.

At Tesla, we don't go into a community and think we're going to sell one or two cars.