Passion means finding a way.

Passion means finding a way.

I love Under Armour, and I would like stockholders to know that I am very committed to our company.

I love Under Armour, and I would like stockholders to know that I am very committed to our company.

Don't ever, ever devalue your product. Ever. It's the worst thing anyone can do to hurt your brand.

Don't ever, ever devalue your product. Ever. It's the worst thing anyone can do to hurt your brand.

I was a not-big-enough, not-fast-enough football player who wanted a little bit of an edge on the field. I figured my own sweat, if I could get that off my body, and more importantly, the weight that stood behind it, that would help.

I was a not-big-enough, not-fast-enough football player who wanted a little bit of an edge on the field. I figured my own sweat, if I could get that off my body, and more importantly, the weight that stood behind it, that would help.

In getting Under Armour started, like any business, I think, number one, you need a great idea. But it's also about who you know.

In getting Under Armour started, like any business, I think, number one, you need a great idea. But it's also about who you know.

Being green means preventing waste.

Being green means preventing waste.

I like people who go. I love energy.

I like people who go. I love energy.

It's absurd that you know more about your car than you know about your body.

It's absurd that you know more about your car than you know about your body.

Stop with the stupid messages. I don't need a message that says, 'Go on, you can do it today.' What does that mean?!

Stop with the stupid messages. I don't need a message that says, 'Go on, you can do it today.' What does that mean?!

San Francisco is one of the worst-dressed cities in the world, bar none.

San Francisco is one of the worst-dressed cities in the world, bar none.

The idea of insider information to me is almost, like, laughable.

The idea of insider information to me is almost, like, laughable.

People look great in leggings and shorts and athletic clothes.

People look great in leggings and shorts and athletic clothes.