Winning, I believe, is a culture just as much as losing is.

Winning, I believe, is a culture just as much as losing is.

Everybody is an expert. But at Under Armour, I want people to control what they can control. Leave the pontificating to everyone else. Leave all that negative talk to everyone else.

Everybody is an expert. But at Under Armour, I want people to control what they can control. Leave the pontificating to everyone else. Leave all that negative talk to everyone else.

The Small Business Administration was fundamental in helping our company. There's great initiative from the government if you know the right places to look.

The Small Business Administration was fundamental in helping our company. There's great initiative from the government if you know the right places to look.

If you're going to start a company, it's not going to be in the millions of dollars, but it's going to be something - for a lot of these kids - out of the trunk of their car, the same way that I did.

If you're going to start a company, it's not going to be in the millions of dollars, but it's going to be something - for a lot of these kids - out of the trunk of their car, the same way that I did.

People say they'll pay more for something made in the U.S., but they won't actually do it.

People say they'll pay more for something made in the U.S., but they won't actually do it.

The purpose of Disneyland is to make people smile.

The purpose of Disneyland is to make people smile.

My kids have been watching a lot of 'My Little Pony,' and it's rubbing off on me.

My kids have been watching a lot of 'My Little Pony,' and it's rubbing off on me.

Great brands are meant to be great aggregators.

Great brands are meant to be great aggregators.

The best merchants in the world aren't the ones predicting what's cool next; we're the ones dictating what's cool next.

The best merchants in the world aren't the ones predicting what's cool next; we're the ones dictating what's cool next.

The ability to touch people and literally change lives is incredibly relevant in a consumer-products company.

The ability to touch people and literally change lives is incredibly relevant in a consumer-products company.

I don't believe in flagship retail, because the definition of flagship retail is that it's a marketing expense, and it's going to lose money.

I don't believe in flagship retail, because the definition of flagship retail is that it's a marketing expense, and it's going to lose money.

I can't imagine trying to operate a company banking on the fact that my logo is cooler than somebody else's logo.

I can't imagine trying to operate a company banking on the fact that my logo is cooler than somebody else's logo.