As society has shifted from an agrarian to an urban structure, the joy and necessity of diligent, hard work have been neglected.

My own great-grandfather suffered so much from asthma that he had to walk a mile or two behind the covered wagons crossing the plains to avoid the dust. However, he always arrived at his destination and did his share of the work.

The spiritual self of each of us is that part of us that will never grow old, or ill, or die, but it must be nurtured and invigorated!

Bookstore operators tell us that the books which head the bestseller list are books on peace and happiness.

I love the German and the Swiss people for their many fine traits of character. I love their language that is so exacting and yet so expressive.

I loved my mission in Switzerland and Germany. As I left on the train from Basel, Switzerland, tears flowed down my cheeks because I knew then that my full-time service in the Church had ended.

My beloved Elisa, my companion and wife, whom I love and revere, is one of the most noble of our Heavenly Father's handmaidens.

Too many sit at the banquet table of the gospel of Jesus Christ and merely nibble at the feast placed before them. They go through the motions - attending their meetings perhaps, glancing at scriptures, repeating familiar prayers - but their hearts are far away.

The gospel of Jesus Christ is not a religion of mourning and gloom.

I have had the opportunity to become acquainted with many wonderful people from many walks of life. I have known rich and poor, famous and modest, wise and otherwise.

The Prophet Joseph Smith lived in troubled times.

When the Savior Himself was born, there were troubled times.

The Lord, Jesus Christ, is our perfect example of patience.

Fast offerings are used for one purpose only: to bless the lives of those in need.

Through the Prophet Joseph Smith, the Lord has established His Church once again among men.

The Holy Ghost is a personage of Spirit: a separate and distinct member of the Godhead.

Financial problems cause distress and loss of self-respect.

Integrity, a firm adherence to the highest moral and ethical standards, is essential to the life of a true Latter-day Saint.

Having received the Spirit of Christ to know good from evil, we should always choose the good.

Prosperity often leads to pride, which leads to sin.

There is something about prosperity that brings out the worst in some people.

We can easily get our lives out of balance.

A computer can be a useful and indispensable tool. But if we allow it to devour our time with vain, unproductive, and sometimes destructive pursuits, it becomes an entangling net.

Some pass their days as though suffering a deep sadness they cannot name. Others are unhappy because life didn't turn out the way they thought it would.