There are two types of companies: those that have been hacked, and those who don't know they have been hacked.

There are two equalizers in life: the Internet and education.

Never ask your employees to do something you wouldn't be willing to do yourself.

I've found that most successful people do things because they get personal satisfaction from the work that they do.

Better to take smart risks and focus on winning because, if you don't, your competition will!

If you don't want to part with belongings but still want to monetize them, then you can rent them out.

We all wish that we could be more productive.

Even I have been at that point in my life where I thought I didn't have enough extra money laying around to start investing in stocks for my own retirement plans.

I find in most circumstances, people leave bosses, not companies.

One of the hardest tricks that I had to learn was saying the word 'no.'

Sometimes you do what you like, and other times you do... what the other person likes. That is part of being in a healthy relationship.

Marriage can be tricky and challenging at times.

Not to be biased, but digital wallets are awesome.

In a time when consumers desperately want to trust businesses - but they just don't - influencer marketing is one way to overcome this problem.

I get work done in half the time if the family is still asleep. When my family wakes up, I've already had a productive morning and am ready to enjoy breakfast with them before I start conquering the rest of my day.

If you want to retire as a multimillionaire, then you need to start saving as early as you can.

We can all get complacent. Especially when it comes to a job.

I produce a lot of content, both to help others online and to promote my business.

It's OK to stay at a job that you don't enjoy, because you're scared.

I tend to talk too much when I get nervous, and I'm sure many people can relate to that.

Learning about and from your customers isn't always easy and requires a commitment to continual observation.

Changing a habit or routine doesn't happen overnight. It takes a little bit of time and may take easing into the change to make it work for you. Waking up earlier is no exception.

Horrible bosses may be one of the reasons why we decide to leave a company, but they can also teach us how not to lead teams when we have that responsibility.

Nothing shatters the relationship between you and your boss like you failing to meet expectations, deadlines, and goals.