I want to hear from my team in a way that they know they don't have to hold back. I've made it clear that there are no repercussions for brutal honesty. I let them know that we want to hear about anything they feel is not working for the company.

Don't hide in the dark and let someone else make your boss look like a rock star.

An influencer with a small but loyal and engaged following can often have a far greater impact than one with a much larger fan base.

I see good personal financial management as setting - and keeping - a budget.

Relationships are full of compromises.

Keyword research is a task often left to SEOs and content marketers. However, it can be a powerful tool for anyone in your organization who wants to learn what your target market wants to read, learn and buy.

I've made it clear that I have an open door policy - which means that the employee can tell me anything that is on their mind.

I've come to love making videos for my company.

No matter what position you're in, if you are receiving poor feedback from clients, co-workers, or in performance evaluations, then that's one of the clearest signs that you're not cut out for the job, or it's not right for you.

In order to handle rejection, we have to reflect on the past, analyze/study it. Next, just like a computer, we have to reboot. Next, get it out of our system by rejecting every aspect of it.

While having friends shouldn't be the main reason why you love your job, it definitely makes the work day run a lot more smoothly when you have a workplace buddy.

The same way you can manipulate your environment to encourage sleep, you can also do it to wake up.

We all have those dreams we've never let go of. But believe it or not, sometimes a job that we're not that keen on can help us achieve those dreams or goals.

Wealthy individuals are known for spending their money wisely. This means living below their means by skipping the McMansion and impractical luxury vehicles.

For every Netflix, there's a Blockbuster. Every Facebook, a MySpace.

While social media is a one of the best tools to spread brand awareness, network, stay updated on the latest industry news, and catch up with friends or family, it's another huge time waster.

If you don't have the time or desire to do whatever is being asked of you, say, 'no.' Even if you want to bake those cookies for your kid's fundraiser or take on a new freelancing gig, sometimes you just have to politely decline until you do have the extra time. The other party may be disappointed, but it's not the end of the world.

Attention spans are short. Like, eight seconds short. That's why it's necessary to grab people's attention immediately.

For me, personally, waking up before everyone else in my home allows me to work, respond to emails, or read up on current events without any distractions.

You may think having a cluttered desk isn't that big of a deal. But that couldn't be further from the truth. Disorganization can stunt your professional growth and decrease your productivity.

Early rising will enhance your productivity, improve your mental outlook, and give you time to exercise, catch up on email, or just have breakfast with your family. In short, if you want to become more successful, it's a good idea to jump out of bed earlier.

Making great strides without a well-defined purpose will not bring positive results.

Procrastination doesn't work for everything. For instance, waiting to buy plane tickets at the last minute will typically end up costing you more.

Since I tend to be pretty competitive and find that others on my team enjoy contests and team competitions, I thought a good way to improve feedback would be to create a way to reward the comments and ideas that actually change our company for the better.