I think entrepreneurship is a beautiful thing.

There's nobody who has as big of a real-time logistics network than Uber.

You have to have a big vision and take very small steps to get there. You have to be humble as you execute but visionary and gigantic in terms of your aspiration. In the Internet industry, it's not about grand innovation, it's about a lot of little innovations: every day, every week, every month, making something a little bit better.

Like many others who stand out, I was picked on.

Setting a tone of inclusiveness and ensuring protection for all begins at the top, whether from the White House or the State House.

Illinois has the opportunity to lead the country in providing more affordable health care options to its citizens.

I've been honored to take part in protests and events across Illinois, joining with thousands of you in the resistance, making calls, sending letters, and making sure Washington understands that we will not allow the ACA to be repealed.

With Donald Trump as president and Republicans in control of Congress, our healthcare is under attack.

Bruce Rauner needs to lead, and until he does, we must fight to hold him accountable.

Rauner needs to tell Illinoisans what essential health benefits he intends to keep covering in Illinois.

The basic right to quality and affordable health care is under assault by Donald Trump and Republicans in Washington.

Unfortunately, Bruce Rauner is more committed to playing politics than fighting for Illinois women and families.

I have been fighting to protect women's healthcare and reproductive rights for decades.

Rauner stands silent as Trump assaults our basic rights.

My great-grandfather came here as a refugee from the pogrom in Ukraine.

When you're governor, you've got to step up to the plate; you've got to make a proposal for a balanced budget. That's the requirement. And then you've got to sit down and negotiate if the folks that you need to work with disagree with you on points.

I'm an independent thinker and independent leader. I have been my whole life.

I'm a progressive.

For decades, Iran has covertly worked to develop a nuclear weapons program and has repeatedly violated its international obligations.

The challenge in multi-lateral negotiations is not to lose sight of one's over-arching goal in the midst of the cacophony of opinions at the bargaining table.

Small ideas won't help Illinois' future.

We all know Illinois has big challenges. And under Gov. Rauner, things have only gotten worse.

Single-payer is about making our society a better place. It's about putting people over profits.

Health care is a human right, and single-payer health care will deliver quality, affordable care to every Illinoisan.