Illinois needs a single-payer health care system, and as governor, I will take the steps to get us there.

As an elected official, an advocate for children, and an educator, Glenn Poshard has always fought for what's right.

It takes a tough, stand-up governor to stand up to the president of the United States - speaking out against the president, speaking out against his policies and, more than that, having actual policies that will help expand health care while... Trump is trying to diminish it for Illinois families.

If you're governor of a state, and you have nothing to say when the president attacks the people that you represent, you are complicit.

When I'm governor, we're not going to be silent like Bruce Rauner. Illinois will be a firewall against Donald Trump's destructive and bigoted agenda.

Black and brown communities are significantly and disproportionately impacted by deficiencies in our criminal justice system.

You know why I'm running for governor? Because everything we care about is under siege from President Donald Trump and Bruce Rauner.

Governor Rauner talks about what he might get done or what he tried to get done. It's past time for all his talk. It's time for action. It's what I've been doing my whole life.

There are many successful startup funders who are looking for ways to make a difference in the world.

When you're someone who cares about making a difference in the world, and you have resources to do that, you have literally hundreds of choices you could make about how to do that.

I hate the term 'philanthropist.'

The idea of investing in entrepreneurs who are building things from scratch, where I can participate in their dream, was very, very exciting to me.

No matter how much wealth anybody has, family problems are about the same across the board.

To me, the special parts of the day - and also the ones that fit with a full-time job - are bedtime and wake-up time. So I try really hard to be there for my kids as many of those nights and mornings as I can.

I come with bad genetics, personally.

The fact that my father set out on his own to build Hyatt - a business the family was not in and a business he was learning about as he was building it - is instructive.

We're trying to make money, trying to add a zero onto our net worth.

Part of being a top-20 firm is mind-share.

Great success doesn't come in short periods of time.

Let's remember that Bruce Rauner has every interest in getting stories out there that hurt Democrats.

My wife and I were both very engaged in trying to defeat Trump. We knocked on doors in three states.

I do periodically ride a bus with my kids.

Just because one happens to be wealthy, it doesn't mean you are naturally any good at building an investment operation that is world-class or successful.

The key to America's economic future is educating kids as early in their lives as we can.