The appeal of Wii to nongamers has taken away some of the seasonality of sales we've come to expect in the past.

One of the things that... I've seen Nintendo do so well is provide a user interface that is intuitive, easy to navigate, easy to execute against - and in our view, that's exactly what we've done on DSi.

Our strategy with DSiWare is the same as with WiiWare in that we want to provide new experiences every week.

That's what DSi is all about: Providing simple, quick-to-master experiences that everybody can pick up and enjoy.

For the Nintendo Switch, we were very deliberate in wanting to make sure, from a Nintendo publish standpoint, that we had a steady cadence of great games in addition to strong titles at launch.

When you think about a new platform, what will define it as a long-term success are the ongoing range of games and experiences that come to the platform - not what's available on Day One.

The 3DS is a fantastic machine with more than 1,000 games. Its key differentiator is the 3D immersive experience without need for glasses. But as good as that machine is, you can't play a game like 'Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild' on it.

I was accepted into Cornell in 1979 and went there to follow a finance and business path. I ended up pursuing marketing and sales because I was selected by Procter & Gamble as an undergraduate candidate to go into its brand management program, which is typically available only to M.B.A. candidates.

As a child, I envisioned a career in the hard sciences. In sixth grade, I was buying college chemistry textbooks.

Both of my parents were college-educated within the curriculum in Haiti. When they came to the United States, both had to learn English. My mother worked in retail and continues to do so today, working as the lead sales representative in a fine-jewelry store. My father became a machinist.

I grew up in a lower-middle-class environment, usually the lone minority among my classmates.

The Wii U is not a tablet. It's a two-screen experience. And so you have this unique GamePad that gives you a different way to have a gaming experience.

We've always been an entertainment company.

In the end, given the way we view the world and the way that we view ourselves as an entertainment company, our biggest challenge is creating content and creating services. Excite people. We were fortunate we were able to do that with the Wii.

If you just sit on what you've created, chances are you're not going to be around much longer.

One of the key components of Miitomo is that you are connecting with your friends. That is a significant measure to ensure that the user experience is consistently pleasant.

We see our mobile initiatives as a way to bring our intellectual properties and our gameplay experiences to a larger population than the tens or hundred million consumers that own a dedicated gaming system.

Our strategy is gaming for the masses.

We believe used games aren't in the consumer's best interest.

Whether it's with a 'Metroid' experience or a 'Donkey Kong' experience, we're constantly looking to push the envelope on the IP versus doing sequential small iterations with a particular franchise.

The consumer likes having a brand-new experience and reliving it over and over again. If you create the right type of experience, that also happens in video games.

'Star Fox' is a fan favorite.

The Wii had sold a hundred million units globally; the Wii U did not have that same level of success.

'Yoshi's Woolly World' for young families and new entrants into the overall video gaming space, I think, is going to be a hardware driver.