We will invest more into China to make sure that our brand gets more known to Chinese customers.

We found we were able to create better, customer-centric product features more quickly with a more diverse product team.

We have built out the diversity of our product teams, and we saw the caliber of our testing and experimentation improve significantly.

If firms were made to hire according to quotas, it might optimize the percentage of women in the industry, but that doesn't necessarily translate into more quality products for the customer.

I've always been curious and taken many risks, but that is quite atypical for a woman. On the other hand, I think that's the only way to grow beyond yourself.

Recognizing that female participation in technology is lower than it should be, we are committed to bolstering female tech talent, eliminating obstacles and challenges they face, and fostering diversity.

As a company powered by technology and digital innovation, Booking.com believes strongly in ensuring equal access and opportunity for all within the technology sector.

There is a misperception among job seekers that opportunities for women in tech exist only for those with coding or engineering experience. To be sure, technology firms do need women with these skills, but they also need women with expertise in other areas, like marketing and finance.

Not only do we need more women in the technology sector, we also clearly need to refocus energy on improving gender equality in the global economy.

Tech is a key driver of social and economic change, and around the world, women like me are transforming businesses, industries, and communities.

I am a woman, and I am proud to say that I work in technology. But I also recognise that the combination of those two facts puts me in the minority.

Booking travel is not like shopping or groceries or booking a restaurant. It's much less frequent, so understanding what works just takes a lot more time.

Travel is a combination of the personal and the emotional.

Booking.com is one of the biggest translation companies in the world.

As CEOs or board members, women are still underrepresented, and that gap is actually growing.

I think companies need to take more ownership over the gender gap themselves because if everybody does that, then overall, it will improve.

One in five of our customers books for business. But it's scaling very fast. As a result, we have tools for medium or small-sized companies to allow them set their price and give basic reporting functionality.

If you look around Booking.com, it's a very gender-balanced company.

With any previous transition we made with technology, it hasn't been the case that we need less people.

Eventually, people should just say 'give me the best hotel in a certain date in a certain location.'

Japan is a very important market for us and has grown remarkably as one of the most popular travel destinations in the world.

There's no point being at the airport longer than needed.

Employing women is good for business.

Friction still exists in travel, and we are on a quest to go even further to make the entire experience - from planning to staying and beyond - even easier with technology.