When I first made some comment when we launched that part of our purpose was to do stuff that has social ripples, lots of people said it was such a glib thing to say. I actually believe that.

Just because you can do something, it doesn't mean you need to - restraint is something I admire.

If you can allow yourself to do more good with your creativity by being successful, then that's a great thing.

Do the work you believe in - if there's an authentic reason for doing it.

It's not about being the biggest or the place with the most pins in a map. We want to be the most influential. We talk about trying to build the most influential agency in the world.

I'm kind of like both of them: My mother grew up wanting to save the world, and my father grew up wanting to rule the world.

Long before social media existed, the proto-tweets of advertising had penetrated American popular culture: 'A mind is a terrible thing to waste.' 'Where's the beef?' 'A diamond is forever.' 'Think different.' You'd be hard pressed to find a writer's craft that has more directly influenced the vernacular.

People who want to express themselves effectively can learn a lot from the hard-won concision of the copywriter.

Copywriters on Madison Avenue constantly grapple with the question of where their work sits on the totem pole of 'real' writing.

Generosity is as much showing your vulnerability as it is your passion for something.

We're communicators, we're problem solvers, and we're lateral thinkers, and there's nothing that can't be improved with that. The world needs us, and we want to be needed.

Our ambitions are not limited to quarterly results. Our ambitions are linked to a belief in what we do. And one of the definite privileges of success is being able to see beyond yourself.

There are few forces for good as extensive and important as the United Nations. Being able to work with them and other global aid organisations for World Humanitarian Day is a humbling and extraordinary opportunity.

My mother had to label all our clothing. As the youngest boy, all my tags read Droga5.

There are certain people throughout my career I've earmarked as smart people I would like to work with. And I'm not just talking about advertising people.

I strive every day to do things that make a difference.

The greater the pressure and expectation, the more I relish the opportunity.

We don't like offending anyone.

Creativity has got to have some edge to it, doesn't it?

The ingredients for great advertising haven't changed since the 'Mad Men' era: Brands win if their advertising is relevant and people like it.

It's not rocket science: The best ads tell great stories. They look and feel like the content you're already consuming. They invite you in. They make you laugh. They teach you something. They also sell.

If you don't have reservations, you're a fool. You can't go blind into something.

Australians are gypsies by nature. I've been fortunate enough to experience different regions of the world.

You hire well and just make sure you have enough runway for everyone to grow in the company's success. It creates loyalty and opportunity, really.