Running the country is like running one big business.

But it's no good letting your emotions get the better of you.

As an entrepreneur and employer, in the fairly recent past I have been astonished at how difficult it has been to get young people to take the idea of getting a job seriously.

I feel like the luckiest person alive. I spend my life doing the stuff I love. I'm surrounded by inventive people who are full of energy and life.

People who buy your product or use your service don't care how tall or short you are, or what gender you are, or your age. It is irrelevant. That is not the basis on which your product is judged.

I'm not going to be told that I shouldn't be doing anything, or behaving in any particular way at any age of my life.

Retirement has never, ever crossed my mind. And I honestly can't imagine when or why it would. If you're doing the thing you love, why on earth would you want to stop doing it?

To be honest, I've made a lot mistakes and I quite like making them because you learn from them.

I've got a lot of laughter lines. You don't get laughter lines on your face without having a lot of fun in your life.

If people have got an amazing opportunity such as on 'Dragons' Den' and they mess it up by being lazy with their presentation it does make me a bit cross.

You give power to issues if you pay a lot of attention to them. The more attention you give them the more power they have. So the most powerful thing you can do is just get on and ignore it.

I am not just sitting in my office making deals all the time.

People think I am a workaholic but I just love business.

Sometimes, lovely surprises come out of things going wrong.

A lot of people on holiday get very intolerant of things that go wrong, but getting wound up about the plane being late won't make it come any sooner.

I need quite a lot going on, so a perfect holiday for me is one in a cooler climate with wonderful scenery, animals or great architecture.

People can call me what they like - fat, ugly, sour - but tell me I'm not fair, tell me I'm not ethical, those are the things that bother me.

I form opinions quickly.

I consider my position in the business world not as a woman but as a person.

I hardly ever swear. So when I do, my husband knows it's extremely serious.

I'm impervious to charm. I can see through it.

Money is not the ultimate point, but it remains the actual measure of success.

I have no problem paying taxes. It doesn't bother me, because I want to live in a society that's happy.

I hate getting things wrong and I hate failing.