Business doesn't cut you any slack because of your gender. You're either good at what you do or you're not.

I didn't want to get married.

I don't exactly know the moment that I was a millionaire but it was in my twenties.

You can't beat a bar of chocolate between cheap white bread - there is nothing like it.

I don't cook at all, and whenever my husband Paul goes away he leaves meals for me and I can't even be bothered to put them in the oven.

I'm not a woman in the 'Den,' I'm a Dragon, we're all there to invest, it has nothing to do with gender.

The minute I think 'Oh God, I don't want to do this because I'm scared,' is the moment I have to do something, whatever it is.

I'm not great at taking compliments because I always find the thing I could do better.

Peter Jones is hot.

I'm not particularly tactile.

My friends would say I'm not the person to go to for tea, a cuddle and sympathy, because I can't deliver. But if you want something sorted out and need a champion who will stand by your side, that is me.

I care a lot about animal welfare and children. Although I don't have children myself.

I am terrible. When I buy stuff, I want it straight away. If it says two to three weeks delivery - no way. I will find somewhere that will deliver it that afternoon.

I'm deeply impatient. If I can't park directly in front of somewhere, I go home.

I would have liked children, but I am not all disappointed. I've had a lot of stuff thrown at me in life so I don't dwell on it.

When I first started on 'Dragons' Den,' I was under pressure to buy flashy cars and boats but I resisted.

I was never good at taking instructions.

I look in the mirror and see lines, but I have earned those lines. It has taken me 59 years to get them and I am not losing them now.

I don't spend a lot of time worrying about how I look and I don't fall into the trap of judging myself by my appearance.

I am proud of the fact I would never tamper with my looks. I love the fact I have earned every line and wrinkle.

I did ballroom dancing at school, but I was atrocious.

I'm always asked about how women get on in the boardroom and my answer is always, 'Never acknowledge that you are a woman. Your gender is not the point.'

I'm not looking for hobbies, I'm looking for investments.

I don't actually like dogs smelling of anything other than natural dogs.