Fortunately, our digital age has created some wonderful tools for finding employers and showing your strengths. But when it comes to discovering or keeping a job, nothing beats good old-fashioned face time and up-to-date skills.

I initially moved to San Francisco to become a research associate for one of the top young heart surgeons in the country. Everything that I learned in that position is that skills, talent, and expertise are transferable.

My first ambition in life, I made up my mind I was going to become Miles Davis. I studied music, music theory. I played trumpet for nine years. One day, my mother explained, 'You can't be Miles Davis. There's one, and he's got that job.'

No matter what you accomplish, when you're doing something you're truly passionate about... the opportunities are always going to be bigger.

Everything that I learned in the Navy, I took it with me into the next phase of my life.

I had spent years in the United States military. Specifically in the U.S. Navy.

I didn't grow up in a household where dinner conversation was, 'How did the market do today?'

I hold one thing dearer than all else: my commitment to my son.

Will Smith played Chris Gardner better than Chris Gardner ever did.

Probably the hardest question I get asked is, 'How do I choose between passion and practicality?' I can't answer that. I had to do both. I was passionate about pursuing a career in financial services. But I was also passionate about feeding my child.

I had never gone to college. I was not from a politically connected family. I had no money of my own. Who is going to do business with you?

So many men have holes in their souls the shape of their fathers. You can pass that on to your kid, or you can do something about it, and I'm seeing a lot of men doing something about it.

I have one of those old-fashioned mothers who told me every single day, 'Son, you can do or be anything that you want to do or be.' And I believed it. I bought into it 100%.

I went through pain as a child so my children wouldn't have to.

I made a decision as a five-year-old boy that my kids will know who their father is.

I'm known to be aggressively early.

I am very, very conscious of time. I always wear two watches. People ask me, 'Why do you do that?' Because I was late once,and it cost me a huge opportunity.

I've been talking to a lot of young people, especially here in America. I let them know that the people who they're competing with for opportunities live all over the place. They're probably not in your city, state, or country; they are hungry, and they are grinding! Some of the things that a lot of us take for granted, these people don't.

If you're lucky enough to have a permanent position, don't feel entitled. Companies value longtime employees' institutional memory, but to be irreplaceable, you must stay invested. Take the initiative and assume new responsibilities.

We can all learn something from people we admire.

The hardest thing that I had to do every day as a working single parent was child care, to have to leave my child with people that I did not know and hope everything was OK, that was the most painful part of every day.

As long as you have a plan for how you'll live, don't let jealous people turn their insecurities into yours.

Be bold enough to find the one thing that you are passionate about. It might not be what you were trained to do. But be bold enough to do the one thing. Nobody needs to dig it but you.

We can all look to our friends, family, and those we admire for inspiration.