I chose to embrace the spirit of my mother, who, though she had too many of her own dreams denied, deferred, and destroyed, she still instilled in me, her child, that I could have dreams and that I did have a responsibility and the power.

Too many veterans are poor or near poor and homeless because of it.

My biggest hero was my mother. She told me every day that I could do or be anything. I knew it, I believed it, and I embraced it.

You're never too old to do something new.

I'm encouraged by what I see of men trying to be there for their children.

When I was a kid, we played a jump rope game called double Dutch - where you had to jump over two ropes swinging in opposite directions. Picking just the right moment to jump in was a practiced art form.

What can we be in life? Few figures in history have answered this question with as much clarity and moral authority as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

You want be young and have fun, that's great. But while you're having fun, someone you don't see is studying and preparing. You might end up working for that person. No one wants to hear that! But I try to tell young people: You want to be the one signing the front of the check, not the back.

I've said that if you're not doing something that you're passionate about, you're compromising yourself every single day.

I cut grass, I did yard work, I did roofing, I cleaned basements to take care of my family.

When you tell your kids they can be anything, you've got to be careful. I told my kids that, and I ended up with a music producer and an interior designer. But they're doing it.

When you're doing something you're truly passionate about, there is no plan B.

Racism is not new. It was not invented just for you. So get bigger than that stuff.

Unfortunately, some of the best fathers are mothers.

Many have forged a path to greatness lit only by a vision in their minds.

Your net worth can fluctuate, but your self-worth should only appreciate.

Baby steps count, too, as long as you're moving forward.

Don't wait for the perfect time to start making changes to your life; the time is now.

I think London is one of the best cities to shop in.

When it comes to anything you want to do in your life, you have to be passionate. Success may come, but in the end, the most important thing is that you are doing what you really want to do.

My style evolves day by day; I love change.

The first thing that inspires me is my mood, but I take inspiration from a lot of things: a rock song, a romantic movie or a specific lifestyle, like 1960s London and, of course, Italian 'dolce vita!'

If I'm on a flight for more than 14 hours, I will do this Fresh face mask on the plane. I don't care how silly it looks; it saves my skin from drying out.

Take risks and try new things.