As business models evolve, as the way you distribute content evolves, as the ability to do things online changes in terms of pricing or trial or sample, I think we've definitely always been out in front of the rest of our competitors.

Our customers need to be satisfied that there is a price-value relationship that they feel great about.

We have an obligation to provide a return for our shareholders.

We'd love to see Led Zeppelin on 'Guitar Hero.'

What you do in film and television is really different than what you do in video games.

The social element has really transformed the gaming experience.

To allow our audiences to watch more professionally produced video content, we acquired Major League Gaming - MLG - and we expect MLG to become the 'ESPN of Videogames' with a focus on the celebration of gamers, both amateur and professionals.

Professional gaming competitions are creating celebrities who are recognized and revered as athletes were in prior generations. Spectator gaming is becoming as popular as mainstream sports.

The ways that you innovate within a franchise are not inconsistent with the ways that you create new franchises.

Our mission is to inspire audiences to play, connect, and compete by making the most engaging entertainment in the world, and our talent evaluation process ensures that each new hire shares that commitment.

Don't focus on reaching the C-Suite. Focus on doing great work and serving your customers and community. That's how you can find the right opportunities and get the skills and experience to get to the top in your career.

The Call of Duty Endowment is a natural philanthropic extension of our brand.

When employees can bring their full selves to work, we get the full benefit of all their perspectives and experiences.

Activision Blizzard has always been about inspiring play, competition, and community for our fans and employees, and that hasn't changed.

Veterans Day is a time to reflect and renew our commitment to ensure our military heroes have the tools to reintegrate successfully back to civilian life.

I go to these cocktail parties now, and I say I make video games, and people go, 'Wow.' I can attract crowds.

The video game business is primarily a male-oriented business. And I have three girls. And you see the things that are important to them in their game experiences are the social interaction. They love the ability to chat with their friends. They love the ability to have some connection online with other people.

How do you expect people to actually join the military if, when they leave the military, they can't integrate back into the free market they're supposed to be protecting?

Our responsibility is to deliver the most compelling content to our players. and if we do that, the audiences are there.

We want to give our audiences flexibility in the way they're commercially engaged in the content.

If it's compelling and engaging enough, customers will consider paying for it. If we don't deliver something that has value, we won't expect value in return.

If you want to retain your identity and culture, we're a really great mothership. If you want to sell out... there are definitely other companies to talk to.

All my life, I've been the rebel in the X-wing fighter, and then one morning, I woke up, and I was on board the Death Star.

I would have 'Call of Duty' be an online subscription service tomorrow. I think our audiences are clamouring for it.