Giving employees agency over their workspace encourages them to think carefully about the conditions in which they work best, and it gives them the tools to forge that environment.

Theoretically, an open-plan office is a great format for a changeable work environment, a place where employees have a say over how they work and a place that can adapt to their needs and to the needs of the business.

If faced with two competitive candidates, every company will hire the person who evinces more enthusiasm.

Self-aware employees make a self-aware company.

We have been very focused on eyeglasses in particular because it's a massive industry.

I want to go at least 11 hours without food. I sat next to Hugh Jackman at a conference, and he told me he fasted 12 to 14 hours when he was training for the Wolverine movies. I've deluded myself into thinking I can effortlessly achieve the same body type as Hugh Jackman if I keep up this eating schedule.

I wanted to open up a stand to sell dried fruit and beef jerky where we lived in Greenwich Village. I was 8 years old. I had been flipping through TV channels and got mesmerized by this infomercial for a food dehydrator.

Share your personality with interviewers, but keep a professional filter safely adhered to it.

Creativity is a business imperative.

At Warby Parker, we use the survey platform Culture Amp to take employee engagement surveys that help us become ultra-responsive to the needs of our teams.

Exploring emerging technologies like new refraction technology will enable people to get prescriptions cheaper and more conveniently, which will, in turn, provide increased access to prescription glasses.

Walking in the morning improves my whole day. I think more clearly, my points of view are sharper, and I'm more decisive.

When another editorial pops up denouncing millennials for some perceived generational flaw, I take it with a Miley Cyrus-sized grain of salt.

The key to an ideal workplace, in one hyphenated word, is this: self-awareness.

Every moment contains an opportunity to create feelings of satisfaction and excitement in a customer. It's up to retailers to make it happen.

On the day it launched, Warby Barker received more than twice as many visits as our regular site.

It's never easy asking for help.

When you look at the reasons people leave companies, it's usually because their boss is a jerk or because they aren't learning and growing.

All companies - and not just startups - face the same eternal challenge: resource allocation.

We all have a personal recipe for productivity. One person may need six cups of autonomy and just a pinch of collaboration. Another person may require heaps of sociability and noise, with just a teaspoon of occasional privacy.

For any collaboration to work, each partner must have a strong sense of identity. If one overpowers the other, it's like mixing lemonade with water - you wind up diluting the brew.

When my three co-founders and I started Warby Parker in 2010, our primary intention was to sell good-looking, affordable eyewear online.

My grandfathers on both sides were entrepreneurs.

Every day, write down a few frustrations. And then at the end of the week, you'll have maybe 10 problems. By the end of the month, maybe you have 40 to 50 problems. And then you can spend time thinking about, Is there a viable business in solving any of these everyday frustrations?