If you're entitled, you likely think you know more than you do.

Millennials are eager to make an impact, which makes them ideal for start-ups.

It may seem premature, but you need to be thinking of your exit from the moment you accept capital, because at that moment, you've made an explicit agreement with an investor that he or she will eventually be able to gain liquidity.

I personally try to buy the best-quality items at the best price that do the least harm and from companies that are striving to do good - many of those companies are run by young entrepreneurs.

Just as a company needs a strategy to capture market share, a company needs a strategy to encourage actions that reflect their core values.

The idea that you don't spam people with five emails a day or that you offer free shipping just seemed obvious to us, because that's how we want to be treated as consumers.

Within an office, it's important to create opportunities for anonymous feedback.

It's not easy to keep good sleep habits as an entrepreneur, especially at the early stages when there's always a fire to put out.

A good collaboration pushes the boundaries of both partners.

Creativity flows when curiosity is stoked.

I came to Washington primarily to meet other entrepreneurs. That being said, I was also curious to hear how our federal government was thinking about entrepreneurship.

The trick to maximizing your team's productivity is to create a workspace that's flexible, so it can be altered according to the ever-changing needs of the company and its team members.

For many startups, ideating is the fun part: coming up with ingenious schemes to grab eyeballs and start conversations. But before you dive into that stage, take a step back and define your goals.

It's impossible to predict crises - or to control them once they hit - but you can absolutely prime yourself to ride them out as best as possible.

Young people entering the job market seek employment at companies with values that match theirs.

My goal is to get in bed by 11. That rarely happens. But I celebrate when it does happen.

Warby Parker is a data-driven company.

I was captain of the soccer and basketball teams in high school, and I was the equivalent of class president.

Businesses should focus on solving problems, putting the customer first, delivering value - not gimmicks - and growing in a sustainable manner.

Social enterprise is at its most impactful when the goal is empowerment, not relief.

Be personable to everyone you interact with.

There are two elements to nailing a job interview: form and substance. 'Form' describes the outer layer of your character - your manners, your demeanor, your social skills. 'Substance' describes the inner core of your character - your intellect, your empathy, your creativity.

For better or worse, cash is the oxygen of your business, and you can't last long in any environment without it.

When it comes to marketing, creative resources are often worth far more than dollars.