Live news teaches you some incredibly strong lessons: that every day is a new day, and it's never too late to fix something.

Mexico established a unique three-part governing system shared by the government, the information commission and civil society organisations.

Remarkably, governments are beginning to embrace the idea that nothing enhances democracy more than giving voice and information to everybody in the country. Why not open their books if they have nothing to hide?

It's time Africa started listening to our young people instead of always telling them what to do.

The Security Council represents the situation from 1945 - you had the Allies who won the war who occupied that. The defeated guys - the Germans and Japan - were out. The occupied countries had no voice. That was fine in '45, but today, Germany rules Europe, frankly. They are driving Europe but have no voice.

Africa is underpopulated. We have 20% of the world's landmass and 13% of its population.

Africa's success stories are delivering the whole range of the public goods and services that citizens have a right to expect and are forging a path that we hope more will follow.

If economic progress is not translated into better quality of life and respect for citizens' rights, we will witness more Tahrir Squares in Africa.

We need to keep pressure on our own governments to force more and more transparency.

African leaders work really under severe limitations and constraints.

In the final analysis, finding a way to do clean business and not to pay bribes actually improves your bottom line.

I really don't have heroes in business; I never looked up at business people.

I don't even have a small boat. I don't even have a toy boat in my bathtub. I don't have a biplane, I don't have anything. Those things are toys, and I don't need them to be happy.

Far from being hopeless, Africa is full of hope and potential, maybe more so than any other continent. The challenge is to ensure that its potential is utilised.

The fight against Ebola cannot undermine the fight against poverty.

People never confess to failure. They should.

From my father, I learnt kindness and how to talk straight.

Look at the international bodies that came out of U.N. - international, publicly funded bodies that neither you or I know their names, because they are completely outdated and still publicly funded because there are no sunset clauses.

The issue with international institutions is that there is a crisis of legitimacy. Trust in these institutions is a serious problem.

Tony Blair is paid $500,000 for one speech, and no one asks how he is going to spend it.

Africa offers the highest return on investment in the world.

Positive market incentives operating in the public interest are too few and far between, and are also up against a seemingly never-ending expansion of perverse incentives and lobbying.

Young people are better educated. They grew up in a society which is well connected, well informed. They are able to communicate to one another, to know what is happening.

Almost every country in Africa has now instituted multi-party democracy.