“I find it difficult [to believe] that… Christians accuse [Black Muslims] of teaching racial supremacy or… hatred, because their own history and… teachings are filled with it.”

“Europe was created by history. America was created by philosophy.”

“History is the study of the world’s crime.”

“As all historians know, the past is a great darkness, and filled with echoes.”

“The history of Heroes is the history of Youth.”

“The revolution does not need historians.” 

“The lack of historical memory is a serious shortcoming in our society. A mentality that can only say, “Then was then, now is now”, is ultimately immature. Knowing and judging past events is the only way to build a meaningful future. Memory is necessary for growth.” 

“The history of which peoples, nations, or civilizations have conquered or enslaved which other peoples, nations, or civilizations has been largely a history of who has been in a position to do so.” 

“The need of exercise is a modern superstition, invented by people who ate too much and had nothing to think about. Athletics don’t make anybody long-lived or useful.”

To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.

We should not look down on our first ancestors.

There is a difference between what technology enables and what historical business practices enable.