In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.” Sorry, Darwin-huggers, but it’s not “In the beginning, a monkey evolutioned gay marriage.

God works in mysterious ways but at least he works, he's never on welfare in a mysterious way.

Atheism, a religion dedicated to its own sense of smug superiority.

Remember, Jesus would rather constantly shame gays than let orphans have a family.

Religions, creeds and forms are only a characteristic outward sign of the spiritual impulsion and religion itself is the intensive action by which it tries to find its inward force. Its expansive movement comes in the thought which it throws out on life, the ideals which open up new horizons and which the intellect accepts and life labours to assimilate.

God creates everything out of nothing. And everything which God is to use, he first reduces to nothing

The very deep did rot: O Christ! That ever this should be! Yea, slimy things did crawl with legs Upon the slimy sea.

The inevitable triumph of illusion over reality that was the single most obvious truth about the history of the human race.

If I were asked for a one-sentence sound bite on religion, I would say I was against it.

Fundamentalism isn't about religion, it's about power.

You can get a thousand no's from people, and only one "yes" from God.

I've said all along that God is in control.

Well you say that it's gospel, But I know that it's only church.

What was “walking on water,” if it wasn’t Bible talk for surfing?

If there is something comforting - religious, if you want - about paranoia, there is still also anti-paranoia, where nothing is connected to anything, a condition not many of us can bear for long.

Show us your Christ, Lady, after this our exile, yes: but show Him to us also now, show Him to us here, while we are still wanderers.

The religious answer is not really religious if it's not fully real. Evasion is the answer of superstition.

This is the crucifixion of Christ: in which He dies again and again in the individuals who were made to share the joy and freedom of His grace, and who deny Him.

The intimacy of the detail - why The Silence of the Lambs is quite possibly the Thriller Writer's bible.

Jerome says (Ep. ad Nepot. lii): "Shun, as you would the plague, a cleric who from being poor has become wealthy, or who, from being a nobody has become a celebrity.

If you are looking for the way by which you should go, take Christ, because he himself is the way.

Nothing which implies contradiction falls under the omnipotence of God.

The mistake we make is to attribute to religions the errors and fanaticism of human beings.

Religion has to stay in the heart, not in politics. It is private.