All I can offer is an experience but never a conclusion, so even what I have said needs to be thoroughly examined by you.

“is full of people and situations that don’t please us, so if we are waiting for perfect circumstances to make us happy, we will be waiting forever. That’s why we must learn to base our happiness and joy not on outward circumstances, but on the Lord’s presence inside us. Thankfully, we can learn not to fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in” 

Obey the principles without being bound by them.

Right conduct is governed by reason and creativity.

The round of summer and winter becomes a blessing the moment we give up the fantasy of eternal spring.

The waters are in motion all the time, but the moon retains its serenity. The mind moves in response to the ten thousand situations but remains ever the same.

I no longer cover paradise. More important, I no longer fear hell. If you ask me what I will be in heaven, I will say this: Why should I think about something so far away when there are so many things in this life I have not finished learning about?

What’s amiss I’ll stop to mend, and endure what can’t be mended.

There is a difference: the world, our reaction to it.

“Integrity is vitally important to our walk with God. People with integrity take responsibility for their actions. They keep their commitments instead of making excuses for not keeping them. They do what they tell people they are going to do, and, if for some reason they absolutely cannot, then they contact the person, give an explanation (not an excuse), and ask to be released from the commitment.” 

“Do whatever you can do, and refuse to sit and do nothing. Remember, do what you can do, and God will do what you cannot do.” 

“nor how to offer it worthily as we ought, but the Spirit Himself goes to meet our supplication and pleads in” 

What is real is seeing the truth instantaneously, because truth has no future.

Not conviction, not method, but perception is the way of truth. It is a state of effortless awareness, pliable awareness, choiceless awareness.

To refuse to be cast down, that is the lesson.

It is not a shame to be knocked down by other people. The important thing is to ask when you’re being knocked down, “Why am I being knocked down?” If a person can reflect in this way, then there is hope for this person.

Recognize and use the spiritual power of the infinite. The intangible represents the real power of the universe. It is the seed of the tangible.

“I am not where I need to be, but, thank God, I am not where I used to be.” 

Gather materials. Masticate the facts. Relax and drop the whole subject. Be ready to recognize and welcome the idea when it comes. Shape and develop your idea into usefulness.

It is a fact that labor and thrift produce a competence, but fortune, in the sense of wealth, is the reward of the man who can think of something that hasn’t been thought of before.

Ideas are the beginning of all achievement – in every industry, in every profession.

I’ve always been buffeted by circumstances because I thought of myself as a human being affected by outside conditioning. Now I realize that I am the power that commands the feeling of my mind and from which circumstances grow.

Are you a flowing entity, capable to flow with external circumstances, or are you resisting with your set choice pattern?

“I urge you to stop remembering what God has forgotten.”