"Without a doubt, any opportunity I have to build that up in New York, I'd do it. I told people all the time, always say, 'If it takes me taking a pay cut, I'll be the first one on James Dolan's steps saying take my money and let's build something strong over here.'"

"I think going to college for that one year was probable the best thing I have ever done."

"I'm a classical type of guy. Whatever's out at that point in time, I like it. I just put my own twist on it, and we go from there."

"I've been at the funerals of a lot of people in my neighborhood. Sometimes when I sit back and relax, I think about that and just blank out."

"We all need that sometimes, to get re-sparked again. Sometimes it's different influences and different motivations; sometimes we've got to go and get back to the basics."

"Every year it's been people saying I can't do this or I can't do that. Y'all will see something different, I can tell you that."

"I smile all the time, even when I'm in a bad mood. I always try to keep a smile on my face."

"Family time is the best time."

"I'm laid back, I take my time, get the job done. Lebron is high flying, dunking, passing the ball well. He's getting the job done, too. But we're different."

"You mustn't think of the Universe as a wilderness. It hasn't been that for billions of years," he said. "Think of it more as... ..cultivated."

"The immense distances to the stars and the galaxies mean that we see everything ins pace int he past, some as they were before the Earth came to be. Telescopes are time machines."

"By looking far out into space we are also looking far back into time, back toward the horizon of the universe, back toward the epoch of the Big Bang."

"Women were seldom given quality assignments or adequate air time."

"In the vastness of space and the immensity of time, it is my joy to share a planet and an epoch with Annie. [Dedication to Sagan's wife, Ann Druyan, in Cosmos]"

"The Cosmos is all that is or ever was or ever will be."

"It's hard to kill a creature once it lets you see its consciousness."

"As long as we are persistence in our pursuit of our deepest destiny, we will continue to grow. We cannot choose the day or time when we will fully bloom. It happens in its own time."

"Learn from the past, set vivid, detailed goals for the future, and live in the only moment of time over which you have any control: now."

"Time and health are two precious assets that we don't recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted."

"There's no such thing as turning back the hands of time, and it makes me crazy that we live in a society where that's sold to women—that we're supposed to believe that if we're getting older, we've failed somehow, that we have failed by not staying young. I wish that women would let other women age gracefully and allow them to get older and know that as we get older, we become wiser."

"I think that anything that you do, any accomplishment that you make, you have to work for. And I've worked very hard in the last ten years of my life, definitely, and I can tell you that hard work pays off. It's not just a cliche."

"Literature is an investment of genius which has dividends to all subsequent times"

"You get kind of bored being in catalogues all the time."