I was in the classroom four days after the inauguration, because I said to Joe when we got elected, 'Joe, I really want to continue to teach.' And he said, 'Absolutely. You should be doing what you love.' Politics - that's Joe's life, really, his love. But teaching is mine.

Cancer has been a dark thread that has run throughout my life. It's taken my friends, my parents. My beautiful son.

What I said was that Joe's family was different than my family, that he came from a very affectionate family. My family was very loving, but we didn't show that kind of affection. So for me, that took me a little while to get used to that.

I think it's important for every woman to have her own money and be independent.

I guess the White House is kind of confining.

I feel that exercise really balances me. Then I layer on the other obligations that I have.

As a political spouse, I've found that my stoicism often serves me well.

So many people in my life need prayers, and I feel like I owe that to them. After all, in heaven, we feed each other.

I know the injustice of outliving a child, the pain of a future stolen away, of mourning forever a voice you'll never hear.

I'm a grandmother.

People need to realize that community colleges really give you a good education. And they do - that's just a simple fact of it.

It was important to me that Beau and Hunter felt our family was whole, and that meant we got to define our relationship, not anyone else.

We need women to better reflect the social fabric of our society.

One day I was teaching my class and then I had to go to the White House right after, so literally, I took my dress to school. After my classes I went into the ladies room, changed into my outfit, got into the car, went to the White House. So there are real, you know, Superman moments!

People have not really noticed community colleges, but they are where students really become successful.

You know, cancer is bipartisan. I mean, there are so many people whose lives are touched and changed by cancer that people are willing to work together to find cures, find solutions, make lives better for cancer patients. So I think people put politics aside. This isn't a political thing. This is a life issue.

I remember my grandmother taking me and my sisters to the Steel Pier in Atlantic City. We would watch the diving bell and see the diving horse jump into the pool. We would take the bus there, and I just smile thinking about all of us running around the pier on those days.

The American people know Joe Biden. They know his values. They know what he stands for.

I'm a gardener, and I love to plant.

People know Joe Biden. They've seen the strong parts of his character and how resilient he is.

I love the women who are coming back to school and getting their degrees because they're so focused.

I'm an English teacher, so I'm used to reading and I'm used to reading out loud.

There was a little nook on Air Force Two that contained the vice presidential seal, and I would sort of wedge myself in there and grade papers on the floor.

I mean, my students are texting me all the time. It could be 10 o'clock at night, 'Hey Dr. B., can you check my thesis statement?' You know, I'm in bed!